Csound - 31-TET on ratio 5

  • Description

    This project shows one probability for dividing the traditional major 17th in just intonation, which has the frequency ratio of 5, into 31 steps. For each step the ratio would be 5^(1/31). In this project, not all 31 steps are used because I was also trying to experiment with a system of tonality and scale.

    While reading the code, always note the difference between scale and pitch number: the former means the order within the scale, while the latter means the number of steps. Variables that presents pitch number would have postfix "PN" within its name.

  • Term to be used
    • Step: the smallest interval in this temperament, frequency ratio of 5^(1/31)
    • Scale: the mode used in this piece (not all 31 pitches are used here)
    • SD(Scale degree): the order(begin at 0) which the pitch has within the scale
    • PN(Pitch number): number of steps between the pitch and the lowest note
    • PO(pseudo-octave): the interval whose frequency is 5:1
    • Cycle: a complete scale within a PO
  • Problems unsolved
    1. There's no guarantee that adding a PO to a consonant interval makes a consonant interval.
    2. I don't know the way to dynamically decide the length of output file. For now, a long enough p3 for i-statement is used.

怎麼算出哪幾個音是和諧音呢?照理說平均律裡除了需要定義的八度之外是不會有符合純率的和諧音的,但是人耳其實可以接受有些許誤差的和諧音,所以就可以這樣算出來(以JavaScript為例): function ETConsonance(ratio, divider) {
var str = '<table border="1"><tr><td> </td>';
var ratioArr = new Array();
for(var i = 1; i <= divider; i++) {
ratioArr[i] = Math.pow(ratio,i/divider);
str += '<th>' + i + '</th>';
str += '</tr>';
for(var j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
str += '<tr><th>' + j + '</th>';
for(i = 1; i <= divider; i++) {
var times = j * ratioArr[i];
var style = (Math.abs(times-Math.round(times))<0.05) ? ' style="font-weight: bold;"' : '';
str += '<td' + style + '>' + times.toString().substr(0, 5) + '</td>';
str += '</tr>';

ETConsonance(5, 31);
// 換成2和12就可以得到平常用的12-EDO,你可能會很驚訝3和8跟純律的差距竟是這麼大

  1. 3和4(半因數)都是和諧音程,但是與主音相差三個和四個半音的兩個音並不會同時出現
  2. do到fa的關係同於sol到高音do的關係(馬老師提到的某種對稱性,我忘記專有名詞了..QQ)


其他發現:12-EDO中,若X和Y成和諧關係(半音數3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9),則將其中一音移高和移低大三度的結果勢必至少有一仍是和諧。




